Calming Frog

Breathwork               Mindfulness               Meditation               Yoga

Our Classes

Calming Frog offers a way for your child to connect their bodies and minds in a fun and engaging way.

We teach breathing techniques, meditation, and yoga.  In addition to this, your child will participate and interact with a story.   Additionally, we offer mindfulness crafting activities.  

Classes can be 30 minutes to one hour depending on the activity.  

Classes are available weekly, daily, monthly, and in person or online.  Classes are for one to one, small groups, families, schools, and camps.  We come to you!

Pop Up Classes

Are coming to a location near you, please keep an eye on the website and social media channels!


Teaching children is my passion. I have been an elementary educator for over twenty years and have experience working with a wide range of ages and ability levels. Several years ago, I found a need for students to learn how to self-regulate their emotions. This need has become even more profound within the past few years. Through my own experience, I learned how to meditate and saw how it greatly improved my own life. I then started teaching breathing exercises to my students in my school, as well as an afterschool and summer program. The positive feedback was tremendous and I decided to get trained as a mindfulness, yoga, and social emotional facilitator through a program called Breathe for Change which was developed by educators for educators.  Not only do I teach yoga and meditation, I empower my students to help others and to share what they’ve learned.  I would love for you to experience yoga and meditation with me. We will have fun, learn to breathe in different ways, move, and build community. 

Teaching children is my passion.

Instructor and Owner: Stacey Feehan

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Calming Frog Classes

15 minute class for ages 2-3: $8
30 minute class: $10
60 minutes: $15
60 minute class with mindfulness craft: $25
30 minute class: Groups of ten $65
60 minute class: Groups of ten: $75
Additional students $5

Classes include:
Breathwork, mindfulness, meditation, and stories
while learning in fun, playful, and engaging ways.

©Copyright 2023 Calming Frog LLC